"(CW + DIGITAL Modes) Software"
[Rsearch , Logging, and / or Contestting sites]
1) A.P.R.S. and Packet
SV2AGW (SV2AGW - George) (APRS and Packet)
The Official UI-View32 Web Site (G4IDE - Roger (SK))
APRS Map (OE5DXL - Christian)
APRS.fi (-----)
G.D.C. - Comunicaciones Digitales de Galicia (Red de Packet Radio)
Open APRS (NV6G - Gregory)
Automatic Packet Reporting System (WB4APR - Bob)
K6IB APRS Station Auto Update Tracking Program (K6IN - Brent)
More extensive / complete listing of "APRS Software" by SV2FTA web page:
More extensive / complete listing of "Packet Software" by SV2FTA web page:
2) JT (several versions: 9, 65, ....) - TNX to David, PY2DPM for his Contribution
JTDX - HAM Program for HF JT65 and JT9 modes (LY3BG - Vytas Kudelis)
W8RIT (W8RIT - Dave) (*****)
3) PSK / PSK31
PSKMail (VK2ETA - John)
PSK Reporter (DL3DCW - Frank Kremer)
PSK Automatic Propagation Reporter ()
5) Software for several "Digital Modes"
DigiCat - CableDigiCat.blogspot.com (EB4FMT - Emilio)
Fldigi v3.23.16 (W1HKJ - ) (Download via "Source Forge")
LU9DPD - Interfaces USB para DigiModos (LU9DPD - Daniel )
LU9DPD Web Page - DigiModos (LU9DPD - Daniel)
Interfaces USB para DIGI Modos (LU9DPD - Daniel)
6) CW - Main Software & Other resorces
K7QO's Home Page (K7QO)
G4FON CW Trainer (G4FON)
Morse Runner (KI4STU)
Software (tested) approved for CW Contests (source: www.CWops.org)
HAM Radio Software (Several Aplcations) (Norbert Pieper)