"HAM Codes"
1) Phonetic Alphabet Code
The "Phonetic Alphabet", below explained, was approved in 1955 by Military and Civil Aircraft organizations. It was recognized, also, very usefull by "HAM organizations" and Amateur Radios in all countries. So ... it was approved by I.T.U. (International Telecomunications Union").
A - Alfa |
N - November O - Oscar |
However, we must recognize that some words sounding closed phonetic alphabet enables routine not often your clear understanding.
Therefore, for decades, the Radio Amateurs were increasingly using alternative words, allowing a gain of sound and therefore understanding by colleagues around the world.
In the following table we give examples of some alternative "words:
A - Alpha ---- America,
B - Bravo ------ Baker, Brazil
C - Charlie ---- Canada, Colombia, Chile
D - Delta ------ Denmark
E - Echo ------- Estonia, England,
F - Foxtrot --- France, Fox
G - Golf ------- Guatemala, Germany, Greece
H - Hotel ------ Honolulu, Honduras,
I - India ------- Italy, Indiana
J - Juliet ----- Japan, Jamaica
K - Kilo -------- Kilowatt, Kentucky, Kenya, Kay
L - Lima ------ London, Luxembourg
M - Mike ------ Mary, Mexico, Manilla, Morocco
N - November - Norway, Nancy
O - Oskar ----- Ontario, Oceania, Oklahoma
P - Papa ------ Paraguay, Portugal, Pacific
Q - Quebec --- Queen
R - Romeo --- Radio, Roger, Romania, Russia
S - Sierra ---- Sugar, Santiago, Sweden, Spain
T - Tango ---- Texas, Tokyo, Toronto
U - Uniform - Uruguay, United, Union, Ukraine
V - Victor ----- Victoria, Venezuela
X - XRay ------ Xylophono
y - Yankee --- Yokohama, Yucatan,
Z - Zulu -------- Zanzibar, Zebra,
W - Whiskey -- Washington